Access and Practical Details

For an appointment, please first contact me by email :

17 Impasse de l'Orangerie, 34070 Montpellier, France

Transport options :

You may park your bike within or your car in front of the property.

Closest bus stops are Lycée Jules Ferry (bus n° 7 and 15) and François Dezeuze (n° 7). Buses n° 11 and 38 also stop within walking distance.

Tram - Twenty minutes away by foot. Tram n° 3, Juvignac direction, Jules Guesde stop.

Consultations last 55 minutes and cost 60€.

Out of respect for all clients, and to avoid waiting, appointments begin on the hour. Please announce your arrival by ringing the doorbell. There is a waiting area with a washroom.

NB :
In France, counselling and psychotherapy are not covered by the French Health Service except in a few psychiatric units. Your health cover may pay for some or all of this cost and it would be wise to check that before looking for a private therapist. As a self-employed State registered (ADELI and ARS) clinical psychologist and psychotherapist, I can provide you with a formal invoice.

You do not need a referral to see a private clinical psychologist or psychotherapist.

Access and Practical information

For an appointment, please first contact me by email :

17 Impasse de l'Orangerie, 34070 Montpellier, France

Transport options :

You may park your bike within or your car in front of the property.

Closest bus stops are Lycée Jules Ferry (bus n° 7 and 15) and François Dezeuze (n° 7). Buses n° 11 and 38 also stop within walking distance.

Tram - Twenty minutes away by foot. Tram n° 3, Juvignac direction, Jules Guesde stop.

Consultations last 55 minutes and cost 60€.

Out of respect for all clients, and to avoid waiting, appointments begin on the hour. Please announce your arrival by ringing the doorbell. There is a waiting area with a washroom.

NB :
In France, counselling and psychotherapy are not covered by the French Health Service except in a few psychiatric units. Your health cover may pay for some or all of this cost and it would be wise to check that before looking for a private therapist. As a self-employed State registered (ADELI and ARS) clinical psychologist and psychotherapist, I can provide you with a formal invoice.

You do not need a referral to see a private clinical psychologist or psychotherapist.

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